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Motivational Hiphop from Niva the Soul Diva - Stop the Violence in Norfolk, Virginia For Sale

Motivational Hiphop from Niva the Soul Diva - Stop the Violence
Type: Music instruments, For Sale - Private.

Fools with guns destroy our quality of life and put our children at risk. Niva the Soul Diva has teamed up with HipHop poet Kamal Supreme to bring attention to the problem. Stop the Violence is Blazing Hot and Pumps! Get the free Download by clicking the links in the video. Be sure t bang it loud so that everyone can hear. Stop the Violence NOW!!! Send Niva a tweet @nivathesouldiva, she would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments and feedback on the videos.
For professional inquiries call 646 379-xxxx

State: Virginia  City: Norfolk  Category: Music instruments
Music instruments in Virginia for sale

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